Areas of Practice


Personal Injury


At Epstein Sherlin, we understand that a personal injury has a profound impact on your life and your family that goes well beyond the physical pain that you feel. The emotional and economic toll caused by these injuries can often be more devastating than the pain itself. We understand the long-term impact that injuries can have on your life, and we do all that we can to ensure that you are fully compensated for your losses and harms.

We pride ourselves on getting to know each and every client well so we can most effectively communicate our clients’ stories to others and achieve the right results. At Epstein Sherlin, the majority of the work and communication on your case is done by attorneys, not paralegals.

Some of the types of cases that attorneys of the firm have handled involve injuries or loss of life caused by:

  • Automobile and tractor trailer wrecks

  • Drunk Drivers

  • Medical malpractice

  • Dangerous conditions on property/premises liability

  • Unsafe conditions at fraternities or sororities

  • Sexual Assaults

  • Dog bites


Commercial & Business Litigation


Each company is different and every matter is unique. At Epstein Sherlin, we have a wide range of experience representing companies and individuals across North Carolina in business disputes.

We begin a representation with a simple question: “What is your goal?” We can be helpful not just in pursuing and defending cases in court, but also in avoiding litigation when appropriate and using strategic problem solving to obtain the best results for our clients as quickly as possible. We help businesses with matters that range from the relatively small to those that threaten their very existence. No matter the size of the case, we are dedicated to achieving the best result possible for you and your company. We work hard to obtain your desired outcome while keeping you informed so you can focus on your company and your work, and sleep better at night.


Board and Agency Matters


Health Care Licensing Boards

We have extensive experience representing health care providers before their occupational licensing boards. We understand that your license is more than just your livelihood. It represents an incredible amount of your time, effort, and passion to help others, which is what you have decided matters most in your career. When there is an ethics complaint filed against you, it can be a very distressing. We help you understand the process and are devoted to preserving your license and privileges.

Election Law

Elections matters can arise quickly, with little time to prepare, so it is important that preparation for a hearing be efficient, comprehensive, and strategic. Our experience allows us to properly prepare your case to clearly and effectively communicate it to the N.C. State Board of Elections or other tribunals, and obtain the right result.